Why Raw?

A couple weeks ago at an event I was asked “why should I drink raw milk?”.  I found myself speechless (which if you know me is a rare occurrence, lol).  I just said “when milk is processed it takes out all things good”.  Which is sort of true, but knew I needed to make sure I am prepared with a better answer next time.

I’ll go over a few of the benefits of consuming raw milk below, but if you’d like to do some more research yourself, please reach out and I have some very reputable sources and websites for you to go to and read so much more!

·         In raw milk there are active beneficial enzymes that become inactive when milk is pasteurized.

·         Raw milk has active probiotics that are destroyed during processing.

·         The presence of healthy fats and proteins are damaged during the processing of milk.

·         Lactase producing bacteria is also destroyed during processing (lactase is what breaks down lactose in our food so our bodies can absorb the food and the nutrients in it).

·         Facilitates production of lactase enzyme in the intestinal tract- allowing many people who are lactose intolerant to digest raw milk without problems.

·         Studies also show raw milk consumption is associated with lower rates of asthma, fevers, allergies, eczema, infections, and respiratory infections.


I know consuming raw dairy isn’t for everyone and ask that everyone makes the choice that is best for their family.  I do also know that much of the western diet would like to scare you into not consuming it.  If you can obtain it from a reputable farmer who handles the milk safely, I encourage you to do so!

If you do consume raw milk, I would like to start a testimony on our Instagram and Facebook pages once a week.  I would love for you to message me you or your family’s testimony of how consuming raw milk has benefited you/your family. 

Thanks for reading till the end.

