Our people

When we decided we needed to take a family vacation (ok maybe it was me deciding and Jason agreeing) there was no question who we would ask to milk the cows and take care of all the animals for us. Last summer God introduced us to a family that would soon become like family to us. People that share the love of farming with us and also get it. They understand it’s not easy to get away. Although we are working at creating a life that we don’t need a vacation from, we still need to get a break every now and then. When you are a farmer and you are home, you don’t take a break. There is always something to do. A fence to fix, barns to clean, cows to move, pens to bed, milk to bottle, cows to milk, eggs to collect, the list really just goes on and on.

Our youngest is 8 and had never been on a family vacation with all of us. I have taken the kids and went away, or we’ve stayed at a cottage close by so Jason could drive home and take care of the animals. It was time. We needed a rest and to see parts of the country we haven’t yet experienced.

These two in the picture, they immediately, without hesitation said yes to taking care of milking the cows, bottling the milk, washing the bottles, feeding the chickens, and ducks and 4-H steers and heifers and fish for 5 days while we got away. To say they are a blessing is an understatement. Jason worries about the cows when we’re away, and he still did, but knew they were well taken care of. We’ve had some bad things happen when we’ve gotten away (no fault of anyone) so it isn’t easy to leave with peace and relax. This time we were able to do that (once we knew the power came back on as it went out just before we were supposed to leave-for real there is never a dull moment around here).

Jason’s brother and dad also played a big part in taking care of feeding cows and pigs while we were gone and most importantly our four legged family member, our dog, Dixie! Again, without hesitation, these two said yes. They also get it. Farming and owning your own business is hard to take a break from and they stepped in so we could do just that.

Family and friends that are like family. You need to find yours. Farming friends just get each other, kind of like a community that understands the struggles and deep love for animals and just want to help each other out. We absolutely LOVE what we do to provide for our community and it really is such a blessing. Truly we see God’s hand at work each and every day.

We hope to add some fun things to the farm this year and are now rested and ready to start the busy spring and summer seasons!

If you don’t have these friends and family in your life, ask God to open your eyes and show you who they are in your circle. He has them there for you, I promise!

Barn Selfies….